24 Inch Wide x 500 Feet Long x .001 Thick

Ultra High Vacuum Aluminum Foil

What is UHV Aluminum Foil?

Ultra High Vacuum aluminum foil is virtually contamination free and rated for clean room rated environments. This means the foil is “A” wettable and completely free from oils normally found on other grades of aluminum foil. This is important for customers who require that little or no contamination infiltrate their environment.

UHV Packaging and Shipping

We understand the importance of contamination free UHV aluminum foil!  Each UHV roll is enclosed in a plastic dispenser box and wrapped in film to protect the clean room rating.

Certified UHV Foil to ASTM B 479(3.1.4 & 10.3.1)

This foil is certified to the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) designation B 479, specification 3.1.4 and 10.3.1. The UHV foil we supply is essentially free from contamination and residual rolling oils


Click here to download the UHV Brochure
