Texas Technologies offers a wide variety of cleanroom and ESD tapes. From Vinyl and Polyethylene to high-temperature Polyamide tapes. We’re sure to have the perfect tape for your application.
CR100PC Cleanroom Tape
- CR100PC Cleanroom tape is a vinyl tape specially processed for applications in and around the cleanroom.
- The tape is extremely conformable which makes it ideal for taping and sealing curved and irregular surfaces.
- This tape has a matte finish which can be written on with a cleanroom pen.
- The synthetic rubber adhesive ensures a clean peel from wafer cartridges and cleanroom work surfaces.
- Available in nine colors plus black, white, and transparent.
- Various widths. Roll length 36 yards.
- Material: Vinyl tape

EGP Industrial Grade Polyethylene Tape
- A polyethylene tape for cleanroom support areas, maintenance, and clean build projects where the ultra-clean tape is not required.
- The polyethylene backing with acrylic adhesive has low-outgassing and good clean-peel properties.
- Processed in a controlled environment EG-P tapes are wound on a plastic core and sleeve bagged.
- Available in black, red, dark blue, yellow, brown, orange, dark green, white, and transparent.
- Various widths. Roll length 36 yds.
- Material: Polyethylene tape

EGV Industrial Grade Vinyl Tape
- A vinyl tape for light industrial use, clean construction, and cleanroom support where the ultra-clean tape is not required.
- Processed in a controlled environment, tapes are wound on a plastic core and sleeve bagged.
- EGV forms a strong bond with plastics, polymers, and stainless steel without leaving adhesive residue when removed.
- EGV can be written on with a cleanroom pen.
- Complies with Federal Specification PPP-T-66E and CID A-A 1689A
- Material: Vinyl tape

Irradiated Cleanroom Vinyl Tape
- An ultra-processed, irradiated vinyl tape that helps limit particulate and bio-burden counts.
- Processed in a Class 10 environment, wound on a plastic core and double bagged, the tape comes with full certification of irradiation and lot traceability.
- Material: Vinyl Tape

MTP MegaTape
- MegaTape is a medium-density polyethylene tape with conformability similar to vinyl tapes.
- Low in halogens and leachable chlorides and backed with an acrylic adhesive, MegaTape is very low in outgassing.
- Excellent resistance to UV, moisture, acids, alkalis, oils, abrasion, and weathering.
- The hi-tack adhesive provides superior sealing abilities but removes cleanly with no adhesive residue.
- Sleeve bagged and available in a variety of widths.
- Material: Polyethylene Film with Acrylic Adhesive
Please contact us if you would like more information on ESD Tapes- our specialists would be happy to chat with you. It is our goal at Texas Technologies to find the best solution for your packaging needs.